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froggylizard的個人空間 http://www.shiner96500.com/bbs/?17 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


英文鋼彈wiki開始啦 XD

已有 1569 次閱讀2010-8-11 17:08

好, 我承認我在自high (逃

咦? 你問我為什麼目前只有綠色的?
這... 當然是因為我偏心啊 XD

(不過其他色還有的翻譯的就是了 囧)

發表評論 評論 (3 個評論)

回復 yaomin 2010-8-16 16:27
xD I can tell you are really bored lol... more translation~~~(black first)
回復 froggylizard 2010-8-17 04:59
LOL that's my current plan, and I'm just waiting for the other guys to come up with a format that that areSURE is the final so i don't have to keep on redoingthe same thing. The green has already been reformatted like twice lol
回復 sampig1 2010-8-22 02:13
Keep going, my friends~ I want to help, if you need it just tell me. :D


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