拉比安羅斯 La Vie En Rose 討論區

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發表於 2007-9-9 23:15:32 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
根據FAQ,EDGED FORTUNE不會影響爆骰判定,所以丟出來的『1』對
  _- q$ F& K! W' }$ l爆骰判定而言,它還是算『1』,儘管傷害計算的時候『1』不計入傷害。
/ A: f$ y  N- }! [5 V" h7 v. D/ ?
Edged Fortune
9 K) _& j4 v7 F1 h# {& W7 e
0 ]  L, M, G$ G1 w& M. rHog Fairy$ J- D# N& d5 i/ ?$ m: I
Edged Fortune — Whenever this creature attacks, count each 1 as a {B}.
& D0 L) ~; \% T$ q0 O" Z; M{Shield}: Swap — You may exchange this creature's position with target nonlocal ally.* E5 k! q: c" F# o
* The Edged Fortune ability causes each 1 rolled on the attack dice to become a blade instead of a 1.+ c, f2 T$ Y( v  h. _

+ U) h5 z; n. Q' q4 Z9 v* For the purposes of determining whether a shield ability triggers, each die affected by an Edged Fortune ability is still treated as a 1.  C  M0 ?$ n( I+ ]' u7 p+ `

) @5 f9 n6 W8 j1 Z5 A* The Edged Fortune ability works on special attacks as well as regular attacks. If a creature with the Edged Fortune ability makes a special attack, each 1 counts as a blade instead. Since blades can't be used on special attacks, this means that each 1 effectively becomes a miss.
發表於 2007-9-9 23:25:35 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2007-9-9 23:48:40 | 顯示全部樓層
* The Edged Fortune ability works on special attacks as well as regular attacks. If a creature with the Edged Fortune ability makes a special attack, each 1 counts as a blade instead. Since blades can't be used on special attacks, this means that each 1 effectively becomes a miss& Y5 I( t7 z1 w

0 ?' d# `) O3 N/ x這點倒是沒考慮到...,不過這支能參與到的非正規攻擊一般來說就只有Deathblow吧。
發表於 2007-9-10 23:20:05 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Rayan 於 2007-9-9 23:48 發表 0 l) k' j- d9 ~4 T6 Q: D
* The Edged Fortune ability works on special attacks as well as regular attacks. If a creature with the Edged Fortune ability makes a special attack, each 1 counts as a blade instead. Since blades can ...

/ F2 k$ v: B6 S/ T9 d
7 Z0 h0 s" H8 ~; M! V& a8 ?Location產生的也有
發表於 2007-9-10 23:37:08 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #4 treeky 的帖子

我的意思是一般來說,你會用他來執行非正規攻擊的時候應該只有在死前一擊會考慮而已,, w" n; A+ i# z
發表於 2007-9-11 11:15:32 | 顯示全部樓層
所以爆骰判定是在結算刀鋒等等的能力之前就要判定的?* A1 ?2 v/ t$ J
: ], K' ?4 Q9 w  G; R# N/ @2 D這些都不會影響到判定的問題對吧??
6 V* V) K- [* I1 o% [: x8 z4 o! r9 I0 q  ?5 b3 P
發表於 2007-9-11 16:56:26 | 顯示全部樓層
4 M* X7 P  R8 X1 p, \! _
對的/ |6 D4 F3 [& ]$ a# D8 n
( e7 `$ l: I" a8 _& Q; x
爆骰判定 就是當你"擲骰動作"結束後
2 q5 L8 {5 J+ _0 D* {5 Y$ }立即比較; {  x! {$ _' s- a* C" w4 E0 d1 ~4 f

# `1 Y9 M' o' Z5 t7 W擲出的骰子個數  ----- ( A )
: _  b- f7 h! i, l% h& q以及- O  Y+ d& R6 K9 A* {6 Q# p
擲出的骰子上數字的總和 ----- ( B )) U& N! r  Z& H9 u* b

; i6 M% i7 Z3 M+ m7 h若是 ( B ) > ( A ) 就是爆骰
! S, ?! s5 \/ s0 E7 {5 Y5 b, Y
) R% V2 Y2 ?" ~" p
: q" W4 G% H0 X2 P1 H但是...但是.....
1 w2 N9 e) \9 O$ m8 @有可以影響"擲骰動作"是否結束的能力 Fortune2, Fortune5, FortuneAll
- w" m: }9 T- ^# M* {所以- D9 B" m% s0 L  \0 n8 e7 N
可以重擲還挺不錯的3 F5 \0 l7 ?" \: i
5 |) j* h0 U* V8 m
ps: 被爆骰能力 一次戰鬥只能觸發一個喔
發表於 2007-9-11 19:44:28 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #7 treeky 的帖子

& F' G2 J$ T& O0 d舉例來說我的lady of manner+憂喜騎士在對手的綠塔下攻擊,可以丟六顆骰,我啟用Ragestrike少丟五顆骰造成六點傷害,所以實際上我丟了一顆骰,擲出miss,這時因為綠塔的Curse,所以我要重丟miss那顆骰,這次丟出2。; K1 B2 _+ ^* I$ Z" J: `; U
/ M% k* C9 v# b2 O+ Z3 F4 P! ?! J8 J, K- ?
FAQ的原文如下" R2 a/ v$ K4 e' S- v
Determine the total number of dice you will be rolling by taking the sum of the attacking creatures' powers and adding any relevant modifiers (e.g. Darkheart Cottage). Roll that many attack dice. Resolve all reroll abilities (e.g. Fortunate). Then resolve all other abilities that trigger on rolling attack dice (e.g. shield abilities).
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