拉比安羅斯 La Vie En Rose 討論區

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發表於 2007-9-9 22:05:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
1 X+ W3 w; V/ K( V5 m: g- G* P' ?5 s( }& Q5 m8 ~
+ U3 D7 ?: K; o* F) g# k
8 S/ j' `$ c7 g2 h0 bAngelstar Shrine8 [9 _9 F& R- A3 W8 Y$ ]
Overpower 1 — Your local and adjacent regular attacks deal +1 damage for each {Miss1} you roll.0 K4 Q2 r" W3 S3 D% w
* {Miss1} is the empty diamond symbol on the attack die.
$ n: N/ L+ n+ Q$ c( S+ C
4 ]" p$ O: Y0 i- y. H" G- |6 g* Overpower doesn't change the result of the die — it just adds damage to the combat in much the same way a Crit ability would. Each empty diamond rolled causes Overpower to trigger and add 1 damage to the combat — the empty diamonds don't each become a 1.
發表於 2007-9-9 22:53:41 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2007-9-9 23:26:17 | 顯示全部樓層
能說明一下...這是哪顆棋子ㄇ  效果聽你們這樣說好像很強....@@
發表於 2007-9-9 23:46:36 | 顯示全部樓層
; `" n1 F1 v4 E3 T% Z, B
這一個location,local跟鄰接的格子,你正規攻擊每擲出一個空心miss,這個祭壇就造成一點傷害% J* H% o- _- Z5 l$ x
發表於 2007-9-9 23:46:56 | 顯示全部樓層
這樣還是非常威!~/ {( Y' D9 x( U+ N
$ w2 C1 q  ^+ B0 |6 w8 c4 s修正的不少
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