拉比安羅斯 La Vie En Rose 討論區

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GenCon 50K Top 8 Warband

發表於 2007-8-26 10:31:04 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
5th - 8th
) d/ z! C: u  e$ v# S3 _# o7 C1 B
2 I* t. o4 B9 y  A
3 Cannibal Pariah2
1 Lord Slobber2
1 Jack of Blades5
2 Unwishing Well5
1 Infernal Screamer8
1 Ekkyon Wayfarer9
1 Voodoo Manipulator8
2 Crypt Worm11
2 Chaos Puppeteer3
1 Cyclopean Sprite5
1 Infernal Gothic7
& Y9 G# o% n* z; W. x# x
* l& D& f+ \( m- v5 B
. H# l0 [+ n( ^7 @4 {( b$ H$ D
Chaos Well: o2 o% V' g. V$ p/ z( ~
3 Cannibal Pariah2
1 Jack of Blades5
1 Horrid Poltergeist6
2 Unwishing Well5
1 Infernal Preacher8
1 Infernal Screamer8
1 Ekkyon Wayfarer9
1 Voodoo Manipulator8
2 Crypt Worm11
1 Chaos Puppeteer3
1 Cyclopean Sprite5
1 Infernal Gothic7

- m3 ]9 S5 N8 ]% V3 f5 O' c% P" d& x) N+ O4 O: m

9 C; E% L) B+ |% T0 N: N7 hWong
/ {* @' W4 N8 M1 G
1 Barbstrider2
1 Omen Locust5
1 Carrion Spiker7
1 Carrion Hulk8
1 Equitaur9
1 Toxic Sludger9
1 Boogeyman9
1 Eater of Hope10
1 Zungar Blademaster2
2 Clawclan Scout3
1 Blind Envoy3
3 Scarab Warcharm4
1 Lunar Handmaiden6

9 }5 g( T& n: I; O* t: S: U, v, D% z* i- q
  Z) [" }0 o9 ]( u& r, t- \
Stag Party, z; `8 A: |" U" O0 s7 f
1 Unwishing Well5
1 Bloodthirsty Redcap3
1 Heartsblood Temple3
1 Stormwatch Siren4
1 Infernal Gothic7
1 Bloodhawk Barag8
1 Unsated Ragedrake13
2 Clawclan Scout3
1 Pearlthorn Castle3
2 Scarab Warcharm4
1 Bast's Handmaid5
1 Stag Zealot6
1 Whirlwind Dervish8
1 Angel of Sunrise11
  n  `5 q- |- V

& r+ w. n6 c& q3 C8 p9 e[ 本帖最後由 treeky 於 2007-8-26 10:38 編輯 ]
 樓主| 發表於 2007-8-26 10:36:59 | 顯示全部樓層
3th - 4th
6 @2 c3 Q# W& J! o3 U8 z4 a& R; @9 A6 z$ W
Spellbound Speed% a/ T  R4 m  h9 S9 }# X* J4 Z
3 Spellbound Scissors2
1 Chaos Puppeteer3
1 Cyclopean Sprite5
1 Bloodthirsty Redcap3
1 Infernal Gothic7
1 Bloodhawk Barag8
1 World Eater11
1 Clawclan Scout3
1 Pearlthorn Castle3
2 Scarab Warcharm4
1 Virtuous Maiden4
1 Lunar Handmaiden6
+ s  Q3 u, c5 c& |! h/ c. i9 o

! Y) A& K, z' e9 f) w' D& t! {Nobility9 J8 _3 ~3 A1 [9 W/ `
1 Bloodthirsty Redcap3
1 Heartsblood Temple3
1 Rainforest Shaman4
1 Infernal Gothic7
1 Bloodhawk Barag8
1 Unsated Ragedrake13
2 Clawclan Scout3
1 Pearlthorn Castle3
2 Scarab Warcharm4
1 Bast's Handmaid5
1 Lunar Handmaiden6
1 Hawk-Eyed Instigator7
1 Noble Dragon12
1 Angel of Sunrise11
 樓主| 發表於 2007-8-26 10:43:10 | 顯示全部樓層
2th0 W% M5 J8 K4 z/ H6 p

9 N: B7 r) @' I6 a0 N( C, f/ EPay-a-Lot) o8 J6 N& j& O8 i9 @( `3 b
2 Cannibal Pariah2
1 Unwishing Well5
1 Voodoo Manipulator8
1 Crypt Worm11
1 Bloodthirsty Redcap3
1 Heartsblood Temple3
1 Stormwatch Siren4
1 Infernal Gothic7
1 Bloodhawk Barag8
1 Unsated Ragedrake13
1 Clawclan Scout3
1 Pearlthorn Castle3
1 Scarab Warcharm4

% h  X, }! C- R9 D
5 W7 q; T8 k4 U( |' u' e' }& _1th! ~3 v, p- n, y) H4 _8 C5 k

, v3 a, ^; i# M: v% a! g# ?Yaus!
7 m0 ^* `- N4 Z
3 Cannibal Pariah2
1 Lord Slobber2
1 Jack of Blades5
2 Unwishing Well5
1 Infernal Screamer8
1 Ekkyon Wayfarer9
1 Voodoo Manipulator8
2 Crypt Worm11
2 Chaos Puppeteer3
1 Cyclopean Sprite5
1 Infernal Gothic7
 樓主| 發表於 2007-8-26 10:48:22 | 顯示全部樓層
恩.....  q) X1 N  d. K

9 ?; l2 Q. d$ X5 W除非網站上貼錯. [9 B3 J8 D/ ?: u# T6 k8 K. j
  p" X; E) T: [$ v有三個一樣內容的隊伍
: ~2 f: s/ Z  h' }
. ]5 z" g' ^  H1 [要不是那幾個是朋友或同一隊伍的  \2 F6 L8 O, |7 ?% y

* H9 I3 Y" H5 O& {0 U# {% E要不就是這種類型非常流行: _( F2 b' M& d0 `# D6 E/ m: B& O
6 ^7 L+ D& m6 v; y: q' U7 g% E0 n也是滿地都可看到
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