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Night Fusion 新能力大曝光

發表於 2007-8-16 00:52:26 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
& D0 q2 A! j0 N3 vNight Fusion FAQ
+ A- O$ j: u; s0 D( c. p* w- K  X
, s! Q1 k, j- e3 Y) b說些有特色的
+ f* J7 t- l' @; b0 U5 C2 v/ {" h  I/ B
Edged Fortune — Whenever this creature attacks, count each 1 as a {B}.8 Y! v* ]5 x2 m* T
一點的傷害變成刀鋒, 有好有壞5 R3 E9 A0 o+ W& a* L% Z+ _% c, |" _

" I# f7 w; ], t/ @3 BRewind — During the initiative phase, you may sacrifice this creature after both players have rolled initiative. If you do, reroll your initiative and use the new result for all purposes.+ h$ ]5 J) u: ]( e; a
犧牲生物自己重新骰initial; K. O! I. d3 o
" Q  D7 |. t& i! D或是對方骰3你骰2
7 f( H( c/ W, C( ]. u+ X9 o9 G& S  h+ V
{C}: Animate Dead 3 — Spawn a creature that has current cost {3} or less from your graveyard as if it were in your reserves without paying its cost.
6 d+ s) W5 b, {5 A- y: G5 L2 @嗯....小快感覺生物優勢更大3 w7 V+ s# V3 }& ~

: O( {- m/ @) k+ j- I4 z2 Z% S* LEtherdance 3 — Whenever you spawn a 3-power creature, if this creature is unengaged, you may move it one cell.' g7 P8 V8 Q  O6 c3 q8 {: k2 y# V
: O8 h9 U. W* {% Y( I4 ^1 ]
Dense Harvest — At the beginning of each player's spawn phase, that player gains +1 spawn point for each local ally.
# P  A3 D  l/ b6 P血神廟真的不算什麼: c6 U2 @- Y9 O0 G' q
6 T. {; K: M! P/ S) t
( c: S2 r, T0 m% ?  f( z9 eDeny Victory — While this creature is in your opponent's portal, that player can't gain victory points.! _5 J* g, j# b8 {5 L4 b
# [# \& a. s( G: |; E9 h( ~

: N' D6 J+ s/ W9 H! q' C5 j  X% GFrightomancy — This creature's power, defense, and life are equal to the number of Fear creatures in your graveyard.  z0 ]( i6 n  e% A  {
. J7 E: g2 M- W0 I. O
{V}: Indisruptable — This creature can't be disrupted.9 J  K* t) E9 q/ T

- x% R% L; P" q1 b0 c{S}: Infest 13 — During the conquest phase, if you control at least one creature in each of your scoring cells, score +13 conquest points.
+ ~! J/ _, i" Q, r! _- H& c5 I+ v( z& J哈, 更有趣, 小快強強強9 M& B; B$ W8 t1 I( N5 W$ C  |1 T- k
! G1 P1 S5 `6 K/ [' `$ A& |! Q
{2}: Lead Valor — If there are no local enemies, move this creature and up to one target local Valor ally into target adjacent cell.$ l0 I7 @3 \. J. M; s
+ K2 B# N9 B6 @. ?
Deathwish Dragon2 t) }) ~& S, g6 J8 t8 e6 T
{Shield}: Lure & Bomb 8 — You may pull target unengaged enemy one cell. Then sacrifice this creature and deal 8 damage to each local enemy. ("Pulling" means moving a creature closer.)8 m6 Y' g& u+ Z. s! O& w& P
這個故意貼生物名稱, 因為是龍喔
3 Z, y) J! e+ t  U+ G6 t
9 c' E; I4 r) l" `9 [Valorborn Advance Self — Whenever you spawn a Valor creature, if this creature is unengaged, you may move it one cell.0 M! L* D4 [; z/ y; e. F: z* U

* e( V, d& ]+ S& t# i5 q# q5 k{0}: Mighty Valor Assault — Make an X-power attack against target local enemy, where X is the power of target local Valor ally.) r; D5 @- `/ p4 U, R* _
5 C& u8 k% ^( X2 q- C
Offering Boon 1 — Whenever you sacrifice a creature, this creature has +1 power until end of turn.
* [( b( V; c5 J9 b  k! G( q9 Q3 q% D/ i
5 Y) V- S" c; f/ lAngelstar Shrine
7 V4 @  \" v$ p; m/ ^' K) ~Overpower 1 — Your local and adjacent regular attacks deal +1 damage for each {Miss1} you roll.
1 I" W& T8 V" R8 l9 k3 x2 f2 `9 J4 l3 E( R: t
Bloodcut Champion- f9 \, i" Y1 F$ H6 f: k9 P" Q' M' K
Passionborn Assault 4 — Whenever you spawn a Passion creature, make a 4-power attack against target local enemy.
% o3 p; T9 J( {3 i  |% sValorborn Advance Self — Whenever you spawn a Valor creature, if this creature is unengaged, you may move it one cell.. j' C# m' s3 P# Z  k
2 _4 E$ F& U3 D, @# F* n
Riposte — Whenever this creature is disrupted and put in another cell, you may move it one cell.
( y( H( [3 Y! Z' S! B- o% h4 u, [4 u$ L2 l) @  B6 j
{0}: Valor Beacon — You may spawn a creature with an aspect cost that contains {VV} in this cell. That creature costs {1} less to spawn.
$ g, F* X& N2 v3 `0 Q/ j
  K6 \2 t- T2 i[ 本帖最後由 treeky 於 2007-8-16 00:54 編輯 ]
發表於 2007-8-16 17:53:17 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #1 treeky 的帖子

Hog Fairy
0 R3 V% n" q' k" P* N4 S2 aEdged Fortune — Whenever this creature attacks, count each 1 as a {B}.& t/ ?0 b& ]2 C+ x/ j
{Shield}: Swap — You may exchange this creature's position with target nonlocal ally.
7 L1 L: B. r8 o. g) K+ W4 P) Y& {7 H" {$ Z3 w
" Y/ U' ?" Y! G* \, [
% Q1 w% Q9 e- u& J8 |8 vAngelstar Shrine" H7 m/ ?: m7 o6 P+ ]9 `3 I3 ^
Overpower 1 — Your local and adjacent regular attacks deal +1 damage for each {Miss1} you roll.
/ m9 ^" A9 I( ^- X$ @5 I0 p搭上這個祭壇就絕配啦..,整個刀鋒跟傷害的期望值都提高了...。
 樓主| 發表於 2007-8-18 09:38:33 | 顯示全部樓層
Demon Capo U (10) 6/8/12 Hellbred::bld:Intimidation - Move target unengaged Enemy one cell closer to a Passion ally.
9 t+ m, W1 {( _0 i1 [$ c. ~* F
$ B# m5 e8 h- N2 BScareclaw Skeleton C (6) 3/4/8 :db::Expel & Scare - You may move target engaged enemy on cell. Then you may push target unengaged enemy on cell.# |$ _6 Q# c" a* T) O2 E- p

6 E6 B6 ?( |! o! b/ rGrave Spiker R (A.K.A. Mr. Broken) (4) */*/* Hellbred Frightomancy - This creature's power, defense and live are equal to the number of Fear creatures in your graveyard (minimum 1). : Appease/ `- P1 D8 {0 W5 T. Z' T% ~+ K
. ~' c- y+ G/ e( v  z8 T
Dualist C (8) 3/6/12 Janus Bodyguard - You know this one already. Riposte - Whenver this creature is disrputed and put in another cell, you may move it one cell.' g( ~; P  @' b* `2 g
! e6 Q% K9 }7 `+ M- ?
Bloodcut Champion R (8) 4/5/6 Bloodcut Passionborn Assault 4 - Whenever you spawn a Passion creature, make a 4-power attack against target local enemy. Valorborn Advance Self - Whenever you spawn a Valor creature, if this creature is unengaged, you may move it one cell.' Z# f2 ^% g4 u/ L- t9 ~
  j9 L3 m: N. c: Y

6 F$ e& ?5 y8 w4 L8 F1 B9 z( X& [0 w" L8 x3 D; c% A$ z3 @2 g

% k) l% j* |3 C( G- T) B+ n  n3 d& |6 r" J) ?2 M
Hiveling Royal Guard U (6) */5/7 Hiveling Swarmstorm - This creature's power is equal to the number of local and adjacent allies.$ D- @+ D3 h" N0 L; C2 G, ]
 樓主| 發表於 2007-8-18 18:16:30 | 顯示全部樓層
Hog Fairy U (7) 4/4/11 Stitched Edged Fortune - Whenever this creature attacks, count each as a 1. {shield};Swap - You may exchange this creature's position with target nonlocal ally.
8 @. i1 X# c( y' E; _8 _3 c# X# F
' w* E. u" G" s' jInfernal Shrieker U    (5) 2/6/8   Hellbred Offering Boon 1 - Whenever you sacrifice a creature, this creature has +1 power until end of turn.% `  s( j5 u  ~
* m8 C$ S0 n2 [4 T" k4 l/ Y
Teethmauler C (9) Pack Passion - Deal +X damage this combat, where X is the number of local and adjacent Passion allies.
2 c' o1 v0 H) P* V9 c* J( O$ F7 v/ _( @2 N3 Z
Bristleback Basher U (10) 7/7/11 Bloodcut {0}:Mighty Valor Assault - Make an X-power attack against target local enemy, where X is the power of the target local Valor ally./ c, N5 ^6 B* a$ W+ T+ ?1 O
0 Y0 a% T1 X5 H) Z! U$ _& ]. Q
8 f0 k, ~# p7 j- J* K7 J
Headhands C (8) 4/5/10 Janus {shield}:Skimish Self 2 |4 b) h- k( A) {' [

% c" \7 f! _$ s 1 I" I9 N" z& R
Sir Wolven R (9) 2/9/10 Dream Lord :Advance All - You may move any number of target unengaged allies one cell. :Skirmish Local All - You may move any number of target local allies one cell.
發表於 2007-8-20 19:11:19 | 顯示全部樓層
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