拉比安羅斯 La Vie En Rose 討論區

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發表於 2007-9-10 20:13:35 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
我想大家應該都已經知道,不過再說明一下6 E0 b% G( t6 y3 z2 w9 }

4 H2 Y+ B* B4 r$ ]7 i( iEtherdance:當你『SPAWN』一個POWER = 3的生物,這隻生物若不在交戰中,你可以移動他一格。
% s) F3 }/ E1 i8 u) J2 j; ?- b% V1 Y  t: a& I9 }: {! D
$ c: t1 u$ \$ Q; Q       ETHERDANCE的,但ANIMATE DEAD會。
2 K# A- ~$ Y9 Q- I& g7 W# m*2:當你觸發ETHERDANCE時,該生物處於交戰中,若該生物後來變成非交戰狀態,你可以移動該生物一格。6 S  o& J/ v8 {$ ~$ {/ B5 _

* q) q/ t$ _8 R- [基本上,MR. FRIEND 是個搭配的好對象。
4 X; O3 a7 M  }4 u) Q. {5 w, D! T
Zungar Winddancer0 s! r/ ~3 J# b' D  H7 F
Etherdance 3 — Whenever you spawn a 3-power creature, if this creature is unengaged, you may move it one cell.
( G# U; T3 f+ a- RCharge 5 — Whenever this creature enters an enemy-occupied cell, make a 5-power attack against target local enemy.
$ z3 Y; q1 W7 D$ }* t8 _6 |* The Etherdance ability only triggers when a 3-power creature is spawned. If a 3-power creature comes into play without being spawned, Etherdance won't trigger.
# z/ \7 ]$ L2 V# B2 B9 Y/ f0 g, _# n$ k1 q( M  g
* The spawned creature's power must be exactly 3 in order for Etherdance to trigger. If a creature comes into play with exactly 3 power due to an ability (such as a 2-power creature coming into play under the effect of an Enrage ability), Etherdance will trigger.7 ~( [- f: i1 v& M! k) F

. o( l  i9 s* U, p* Q7 K0 ]+ z* If the creature with the Etherdance ability comes into play with exactly 3 power, Etherdance will trigger.' y- ~+ A5 J- K1 }* `
( Z# l! v2 j5 D) ^$ r" f
* If the creature with the Etherdance ability becomes unengaged after the ability triggers but before it would be moved, then it may be moved.
發表於 2007-9-10 22:41:04 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Uming 於 2007-9-10 20:13 發表
1 b4 m" K1 R2 Q6 h3 E& w7 L  _我想大家應該都已經知道,不過再說明一下' q1 i: J% p. _3 i
. J) s- ~* Y! R; G
Etherdance:當你『SPAWN』一個POWER = 3的生物,這隻生物若不在交戰中,你可以移動他一格。1 C4 v5 h0 R: }% K* `4 |/ m

0 d8 E! @% H7 Y$ [1 ~*1:這個POWER=3的生物必須是用『SPAWN』的方式叫出場才會觸發,所以BAXAR的CALL是不會觸發
, S" X- W; s  y- b4 m  i2 ~ ...

, i  h) I$ E5 I. X$ J9 O: _- S( p* F( O' i9 w% C
' u3 ^! ~, n& U8 U8 R
The spawned creature's power must be exactly 3 in order for Etherdance to trigger. If a creature comes into play with exactly 3 power due to an ability (such as a 2-power creature coming into play under the effect of an Enrage ability), Etherdance will trigger.COSPLAY
6 h9 R; M7 T. I3 x5 j+ s
9 F+ J6 F; H$ H, z% \* t1 X+ |, [# O/ I2 I

- \0 k) l2 n- _* G6 J6 T) `! b4 R2 V  E) }9 t: c
所以生物出場時 受到馬臉女的能力 會修正Power導致 Power = 3 or Power != 35 R& _8 \* ]+ p7 l9 B4 T
0 R: ]  n& ^/ _5 k) V: z
[ 本帖最後由 treeky 於 2007-9-10 22:46 編輯 ]
發表於 2007-9-10 22:45:15 | 顯示全部樓層

Charge Once More

Overpower1 a: O  R  e2 V7 K* Q% Y
! r* ^0 |, a- }; M: b) s
Angelstar Shrine
; t* \0 v, y! O: T0 ~# K/ `% dOverpower 1 — Your local and adjacent regular attacks deal +1 damage for each {Miss1} you roll.% E6 j0 d: Z) o7 D+ z, u4 a, X" |
9 A) z6 A  G- c; p9 M8 g
* {Miss1} is the empty diamond symbol on the attack die.
6 j6 P5 V  C; z: p7 I0 R
. t4 Y; R; p8 {. Q2 l* Overpower doesn't change the result of the die — it just adds damage to the combat in much the same way a Crit ability would. Each empty diamond rolled causes Overpower to trigger and add 1 damage to the combat — the empty diamonds don't each become a 1.7 C4 d, V) y! f  s2 Y: B- {
6 r$ b; F+ ^" H) M
2 e7 a$ n4 R& d# ?/ X) v

  B1 f( U  D# y5 H所以 Miss有分別, 並不是 兩個Miss都+1
發表於 2007-9-10 23:02:46 | 顯示全部樓層
1 Z* y- r6 F3 v/ F1 a一時間想到的
/ C3 \- S( `3 L( {0 j" v( s( {- K3 g
' M! A) E" y1 m" }; U9 c! M) d! A  Y; Z' ]9 G0 X1 f' M( M  Z
移動 不只是為了使用移動小屋的能力" T; j9 I! q0 P' m- F$ k5 l9 w0 }; i
消極的方式, 可以擴展想Spawn的區域, 以及干擾對手生Location0 c) z% G! ~. ]( b

. {# U. c2 V3 W! R3 k5 a另外9 {& G6 u) F% s0 a2 n

. r$ v) K- C4 y5 T& T5 B9 TOne-man Army難以滋生還有多的原因
8 b9 @& @6 i) t# L6 O: i1 h" T+ A. u" v8 O9 I( i7 m
Gambit能力會受到Deny Victory的影響0 A8 ]) T8 d# @* r
在大蛇, 血鷹的盛行下8 G, |4 l9 w, O# {
One-man Army不夠大隻, 會太恐怖......
 樓主| 發表於 2007-9-12 21:21:06 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #4 treeky 的帖子

One-man Army難以滋生還有多的原因
. ?% W) C4 ?$ OGambit能力會受到Deny Victory的影響' ]( `3 o2 j7 }& F7 q
在大蛇, 血鷹的盛行下2 j% H. ]. T1 @
One-man Army不夠大隻, 會太恐怖......
$ a( z; s) V' c4 l. S  F                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^2 S, q  k: S) o0 G- x' J
不太理解你這句話的意思,DENY VIC 會使自己以GAMBIT為施放費用的異能失效,/ Q  @; E) Z9 j' Z  x% g
發表於 2007-9-12 22:57:02 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #5 Uming 的帖子

發表於 2007-9-12 23:54:33 | 顯示全部樓層
Deny Victory是對手不能得分2 h- G+ K8 W8 ]+ G) G
0 _! C' P- f4 L+ D( t# y4 \, v  O) d
因此Deny Victory發動的時候& m, }5 t- i. f2 R- `
所以Gambit就變成免費使用了# L( A* x/ P$ ^

" v7 S, V: B8 N  ]# g+ ^/ j& j本來Deny Victory有個打法的戰略是這樣
' j" j, @- g( E8 Z9 D6 U5 P天使 + Deny Victory + 大蛇
: {2 Y0 ~4 e& N& K+ Y理論上 天使出來後 痛一次 Gambit , 讓 Deny Victory 發動, 大蛇也移動到得分區 即可免費發動Gambit
! r- t7 ^7 R+ y之後5 U- |0 D! d4 `2 j: t4 m$ J
/ s+ q! A/ |$ k, e! Z
2 D4 U$ J; ^! j. B但是這都在One-Man Army 屬性數值出來後.....就沒人討論了.......
" f+ g2 O, r- v% Z% m) w0 ]主要還是滋生點數太大
+ F; s) W, \( m2 E$ @. |( K
1 }/ q, e* j% \# h0 q* B滋生點數小一些, 即使生物數值不好看, Combo打出來還是很可觀
發表於 2007-9-13 00:02:21 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #7 treeky 的帖子

你說錯哩...因為對手不能獲得Victory Point,所以雖然你可以正常發動Gambit,但是因為對手不能得到VP,所以不會有後續的效果產生。' ^3 Z  D1 C8 ?- c1 T0 i2 E
) R7 Z, m& Y  b
FAQ原文如下3 ]% C* `- N8 m! r% j) x) J" U; F
If your opponent can't gain victory points, they can't be given victory points either.
/ ^& F. C0 D# U) p1 S: cThis means that while the Gambit abilities from the Baxar's War set can still be activated,
+ X+ K9 O4 M& b& C. E- Ethey will have no effect as long as your opponent is under the effect of a Deny Victory ability.% u# u6 j1 Q) ^6 z

+ X5 e, b: Y* H2 I' s2 @5 Q[ 本帖最後由 Rayan 於 2007-9-13 00:05 編輯 ]
發表於 2007-9-13 11:59:46 | 顯示全部樓層
天啊!!!& u( }7 J" f: W; f2 _1 @8 c
是這樣嗎~~~( }$ f( I4 d& i! d& O
! q7 w! Y7 A, b: A- @
If your opponent can't gain victory points, they can't be given victory points either.
$ @9 J0 A# K! B4 B/ K. ^5 d, m& B8 K% b5 L2 g* d
完全沒注意到這句話....." ^% K$ u- d0 h- T, U

, V# g: O! F$ Q  `' H唉...
 樓主| 發表於 2007-9-13 19:07:29 | 顯示全部樓層

回復 #9 treeky 的帖子

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