Rayan 發表於 2007-9-26 00:46:07

Simultaneous Effects


* Outside of combat, check for disruption and destruction at the following times, as long as damage was dealt since the last time disruption and destruction were checked:
- After one or more attacks or abilities have resolved and the stack is empty.
- After each action in a group ability, if no abilities triggered as a result of that action.
- After all triggered abilities triggered by an action in a group ability have resolved, if abilities triggered as a result of that action.

* Player 1 activates Aviax Firebrand's War Cry ability during her spawn phase, choosing a cell in which she controls two Fleshless Reapers.
Because the War Cry ability is causing her to take multiple actions by moving multiple creatures, this ability is a group ability.
She chooses to move a creature controlled by player 2 into the cell. Two Ambush abilities trigger and form a set of simultaneous effects, and that set goes on the stack.
Player 1 (the active player) chooses and resolves one ability that she controls in the set (making an Ambush attack), then chooses and resolves another ability that she controls in the set (making another Ambush attack). All abilities triggered by the action of moving player 2's creature have resolved, and all creatures in play are checked for disruption or destruction.
Player 1 then chooses another creature to move, and this process repeats until there are no more creatures to be moved.

* After all creatures have moved, check for any abilities that triggered as a result of the movement. Currently the only such abilities are Ambush and Charge. If the Ambush ability triggers, the creature with the Ambush ability will make a 6-power attack on any creature that entered the cell at the same time it did. If the Charge ability triggers, the creature with the Charge ability will make a 6-power attack against any creature in the cell with it after the Vortex ability has resolved completely. Ambush and Charge will only trigger on creatures moving with them, not creatures in cells ahead of or behind them in the movement.


[ 本帖最後由 treeky 於 2007-9-28 12:56 編輯 ]

treeky 發表於 2007-9-26 10:34:17


有關移動能力效應的結束 是 直到棋子移動結束

*** 並不是 ***
在決定後就結束了(決定 那些生物移動以及移動的順序 )

treeky 發表於 2007-9-28 10:57:19

小丑的移動能力 和其他的移動能力 有很大的不同

小丑的是 先決定要移動的生物, 再決定要移動的順序, 之後全部一起移動
因此 這個移動能力並不是group ability

Rayan 發表於 2007-9-28 22:23:51

回復 #3 treeky 的帖子

正確的說法是,除了同時發生的移動(Vortex/Swap/Exchange/Twin),其餘的複數移動能力都是Group Ability(Skirmish2/Skirmish & Advance/Warcry)

treeky 發表於 2007-9-29 09:41:30


之前的生物移動, 會觸發 快要被 驅散/消滅 的狀況
之後的生物移動, 即使沒有觸發任何能力, 檢測 驅散/消滅 時,
先前的生物卻會滿足 驅散/消滅 的條件

Q: When are creatures checked for destruction and disruption outside of combat?

A: Outside of combat, all creatures in play are checked for destruction and disruption when any creature is dealt damage. Dealing something zero damage (by rolling all misses on an Ambush attack, for instance) is not considered to be dealing damage and will not cause such a check. This means it is possible for a creature to be dealt damage that is not enough to disrupt or destroy it, and have its defense and/or life stats lowered before the end of the phase without being disrupted or destroyed by that damage, unless it or another creature is dealt damage before the end of the phase.

    Ambush 6 — Whenever an enemy enters this cell, this creature makes a 6-power attack against that enemy.

treeky 發表於 2007-9-29 10:12:08

回復 #5 treeky 的帖子


當用墓穴大蛇 將 剪刀 + Sir Glorious 推入死神格時
    剪刀 進入, 死神骰 三點
      因為 Sir Glorious 能力, 剪刀 沒有被驅散, 傷害保留
    Sir Glorious 進入, 死神骰 六點,
      檢測驅散/消滅, Sir Glorious "要被"驅散, 剪刀 "不要被"驅散
            驅散 Sir Glorious
    剪刀 進入 空格, 沒有觸發任何能力, 檢測驅散/消滅, 剪刀被驅散, 因為Sir Glorious 能力已不存在
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